The form on this page allows ITA members to apply for trustee certification at the level of Certified Independent Trustee (CIT) or Master Certified Independent Trustee (MCIT). Members seeking certification must complete this form to initiate the certification process.

In addition to the application you’re filling out now, you will need to submit character references as required for your certification level.

If your application is approved, annual dues will be $300/year for CIT, or $400/year for MCIT. The certification application fee does not count toward your annual dues.  Please note, if your application is not finalized in twelve months (primarily because references are not received), you must re-apply.

What does it mean to be an ITA certified member?

Certification through the ITA means that you’ve met all the challenges so far as in your work as an independent trustee. Whether it’s five years or ten years of experience, you have the experience to carry out your fiduciary duties and engage fellow professionals with higher credibility.

What are the requirements for certification?

All ITA members certified as either Certified Independent Trustee (CIT) or Master Certified Independent Trustee (MCIT) must meet several requirements as outlined below. Please see our Membership & Certification Requirements Chart for more details on each requirement.

  • Meets our requirements for Character & Fitness
  • Continuing Education Hours
  • Academic History & Degree (BA or BS)
  • Relevant Professional Experience
  • Submission of Professional References
  • Certification Fee & Annual Membership Dues
  • Approval by ITA Membership Committee

What are the benefits of a Certified Trustee membership?

All ITA members, at every level, are granted access to medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, trustee liability coverage, cyber liability insurance, and unlimited CLE.